Evaluating the Effectiveness of Automated Identity Masking (AIM) Methods with Human Perception

Face de-identification algorithms have been developed in response to the prevalent use of public video recordings and surveillance cameras. Here, we evaluated the success of identity masking in the context of monitoring drivers as they actively operate a motor vehicle. We compared the effectiveness of eight de-identification algorithms using human perceivers. The algorithms we tested included the personalized supervised bilinear regression method for Facial Action Transfer (FAT), the DMask method, which renders a generic avatar face, and two edge-detection methods implemented with and without image polarity inversion (Canny, Scharr). We also used an Overmask approach that combined the FAT and Canny methods. We compared these identity masking methods to identification of an unmasked video of the driver. Human subjects were tested in a standard face recognition experiment in which they learned driver identities with a high resolution (studio-style) image, and were tested subsequently on their ability to recognize masked and unmasked videos of these individuals driving. All masking methods lowered identification accuracy substantially, relative to the unmasked video. The most successful methods, DMask and Canny, lowered human identification performance to near random. In all cases, identifications were made with stringent decision criteria indicating the subjects had low confidence in their decisions. We conclude that carefully tested de-identification approaches, used alone or in combination, can be an effective tool for protecting the privacy of individuals captured in videos. Future work should examine how the most effective methods fare in preserving facial action recognition.


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