Exporting Geography Into A Virtual Landscape: A Global Pandemic Locally Discussed

by   Katherine Van Koevering, et al.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a global health crisis playing out in the age of social media. Even though the virtual environment makes interaction possible regardless of physical location, many of the most pressing issues during the pandemic – case counts, lockdown policies, vaccine availability – have played out in an intensely local fashion. Reflecting this locality, many of the online COVID communities that formed have been closely tied to physical location, at different spatial scales ranging from cities to countries to entire global platforms. This provides an opportunity to study how the real-world geography of the pandemic translates into a virtual landscape. By analyzing almost 300 geographically-linked COVID discussion communities on Reddit, we show how these discussions were organized geographically and temporally in three aspects: what were people talking about, who were they talking about it with, and how did they self-organize these conversations?


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