FANTrack: 3D Multi-Object Tracking with Feature Association Network

by   Erkan Baser, et al.

We propose a data-driven approach to online multi-object tracking (MOT) that uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) for data association in a tracking-by-detection framework. The problem of multi-target tracking aims to assign noisy detections to a-priori unknown and time-varying number of tracked objects across a sequence of frames. A majority of the existing solutions focus on either tediously designing cost functions or formulating the task of data association as a complex optimization problem that can be solved effectively. Instead, we exploit the power of deep learning to formulate the data association problem as inference in a CNN. To this end, we propose to learn a similarity function that combines cues from both image and spatial features of objects. Our solution learns to perform global assignments in 3D purely from data, handles noisy detections and a varying number of targets, and is easy to train. We evaluate our approach on the challenging KITTI dataset and show competitive results. Our code is available at


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