Further results on the estimation of dynamic panel logit models with fixed effects

by   Hugo Kruiniger, et al.

Kitazawa (2013, 2016) showed that the common parameters in the panel logit AR(1) model with strictly exogenous covariates and fixed effects are estimable at the root-n rate using the Generalized Method of Moments. Honoré and Weidner (2020) extended his results in various directions: they found additional moment conditions for the logit AR(1) model and also considered estimation of logit AR(p) models with p>1. In this note we prove a conjecture in their paper and show that 2^T-2T of their moment functions for the logit AR(1) model are linearly independent and span the set of valid moment functions, which is a 2^T-2T -dimensional linear subspace of the 2^T -dimensional vector space of real valued functions over the outcomes y element of 0,1^T. We also prove that when p=2 and T element of 3,4,5, there are, respectively, 2^T-4(T-1) and 2^T-(3T-2) linearly independent moment functions for the panel logit AR(2) models with and without covariates.


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