Helping each Other: A Framework for Customer-to-Customer Suggestion Mining using a Semi-supervised Deep Neural Network
Suggestion mining is increasingly becoming an important task along with sentiment analysis. In today's cyberspace world, people not only express their sentiments and dispositions towards some entities or services, but they also spend considerable time sharing their experiences and advice to fellow customers and the product/service providers with two-fold agenda: helping fellow customers who are likely to share a similar experience, and motivating the producer to bring specific changes in their offerings which would be more appreciated by the customers. In our current work, we propose a hybrid deep learning model to identify whether a review text contains any suggestion. The model employs semi-supervised learning to leverage the useful information from the large amount of unlabeled data. We evaluate the performance of our proposed model on a benchmark customer review dataset, comprising of the reviews of Hotel and Electronics domains. Our proposed approach shows the F-scores of 65.6 These performances are significantly better compared to the existing state-of-the-art system.