Helping Visually Impaired People Take Better Quality Pictures

by   Maniratnam Mandal, et al.

Perception-based image analysis technologies can be used to help visually impaired people take better quality pictures by providing automated guidance, thereby empowering them to interact more confidently on social media. The photographs taken by visually impaired users often suffer from one or both of two kinds of quality issues: technical quality (distortions), and semantic quality, such as framing and aesthetic composition. Here we develop tools to help them minimize occurrences of common technical distortions, such as blur, poor exposure, and noise. We do not address the complementary problems of semantic quality, leaving that aspect for future work. The problem of assessing and providing actionable feedback on the technical quality of pictures captured by visually impaired users is hard enough, owing to the severe, commingled distortions that often occur. To advance progress on the problem of analyzing and measuring the technical quality of visually impaired user-generated content (VI-UGC), we built a very large and unique subjective image quality and distortion dataset. This new perceptual resource, which we call the LIVE-Meta VI-UGC Database, contains 40K real-world distorted VI-UGC images and 40K patches, on which we recorded 2.7M human perceptual quality judgments and 2.7M distortion labels. Using this psychometric resource we also created an automatic blind picture quality and distortion predictor that learns local-to-global spatial quality relationships, achieving state-of-the-art prediction performance on VI-UGC pictures, significantly outperforming existing picture quality models on this unique class of distorted picture data. We also created a prototype feedback system that helps to guide users to mitigate quality issues and take better quality pictures, by creating a multi-task learning framework.


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