HSD-CNN: Hierarchically self decomposing CNN architecture using class specific filter sensitivity analysis

by   K. SaiRam, et al.

Conventional Convolutional neural networks (CNN) are trained on large domain datasets, and are hence typically over-represented and inefficient in limited class applications. An efficient way to convert such large many-class pre-trained networks into small few-class networks is through a hierarchical decomposition of its feature maps. To alleviate this issue, we propose an automated framework for such decomposition in Hierarchically Self Decomposing CNNs (HSD-CNN), in four steps. HSD-CNNs are derived automatically using a class specific filter sensitivity analysis that quantifies the impact of specific features on a class prediction. The decomposed and hierarchical network can be utilized and deployed directly to obtain sub-networks for subset of classes, and it is shown to perform better without the requirement of retraining these sub-networks. Experimental results show that HSD-CNNs generally do not degrade accuracy if the full set of classes are used. However, when operating on known subsets of classes, HSD-CNNs lead to an increased accuracy using a much smaller model size, requiring much less operations. HSD-CNN flow is verified on the CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and CALTECH101 data sets. We report accuracies up to 85.6% ( 94.75% ) on scenarios with 13 ( 4 ) classes of CIFAR100, using a VGG-16 network pretrained on the full data set. In this case, the used HSD-CNN requires 3.97 × fewer parameters and 3.56 × fewer operations than the VGG-16 baseline containing features for all 100 classes.


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