Integer Fine-tuning of Transformer-based Models

by   Mohammadreza Tayaranian, et al.

Transformer based models are used to achieve state-of-the-art performance on various deep learning tasks. Since transformer-based models have large numbers of parameters, fine-tuning them on downstream tasks is computationally intensive and energy hungry. Automatic mixed-precision FP32/FP16 fine-tuning of such models has been previously used to lower the compute resource requirements. However, with the recent advances in the low-bit integer back-propagation, it is possible to further reduce the computation and memory foot-print. In this work, we explore a novel integer training method that uses integer arithmetic for both forward propagation and gradient computation of linear, convolutional, layer-norm, and embedding layers in transformer-based models. Furthermore, we study the effect of various integer bit-widths to find the minimum required bit-width for integer fine-tuning of transformer-based models. We fine-tune BERT and ViT models on popular downstream tasks using integer layers. We show that 16-bit integer models match the floating-point baseline performance. Reducing the bit-width to 10, we observe 0.5 average score drop. Finally, further reduction of the bit-width to 8 provides an average score drop of 1.7 points.


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