Is Lip Region-of-Interest Sufficient for Lipreading?

by   Jing-Xuan Zhang, et al.

Lip region-of-interest (ROI) is conventionally used for visual input in the lipreading task. Few works have adopted the entire face as visual input because lip-excluded parts of the face are usually considered to be redundant and irrelevant to visual speech recognition. However, faces contain much more detailed information than lips, such as speakers' head pose, emotion, identity etc. We argue that such information might benefit visual speech recognition if a powerful feature extractor employing the entire face is trained. In this work, we propose to adopt the entire face for lipreading with self-supervised learning. AV-HuBERT, an audio-visual multi-modal self-supervised learning framework, was adopted in our experiments. Our experimental results showed that adopting the entire face achieved 16 on the lipreading task, compared with the baseline method using lip as visual input. Without self-supervised pretraining, the model with face input achieved a higher WER than that using lip input in the case of limited training data (30 hours), while a slightly lower WER when using large amount of training data (433 hours).


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