Joint Encoder-Decoder Self-Supervised Pre-training for ASR

by   Arunkumar A, et al.

Self-supervised learning (SSL) has shown tremendous success in various speech-related downstream tasks, including Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). The output embeddings of the SSL model are treated as powerful short-time representations of the speech signal. However, in the ASR task, the main objective is to get the correct sequence of acoustic units, characters, or byte-pair encodings (BPEs). Usually, encoder-decoder architecture works exceptionally well for a sequence-to-sequence task like ASR. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new paradigm that exploits the power of a decoder during self-supervised learning. We use Hidden Unit BERT (HuBERT) SSL framework to compute the conventional masked prediction loss for the encoder. In addition, we have introduced a decoder in the SSL framework and proposed a target preparation strategy for the decoder. Finally, we use a multitask SSL setup wherein we jointly optimize both the encoder and decoder losses. We hypothesize that the presence of a decoder in the SSL model helps it learn an acoustic unit-based language model, which might improve the performance of an ASR downstream task. We compare our proposed SSL model with HuBERT and show up to 25 LibriSpeech subsets.


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