Large-Scale Domain Adaptation via Teacher-Student Learning

by   Jinyu Li, et al.

High accuracy speech recognition requires a large amount of transcribed data for supervised training. In the absence of such data, domain adaptation of a well-trained acoustic model can be performed, but even here, high accuracy usually requires significant labeled data from the target domain. In this work, we propose an approach to domain adaptation that does not require transcriptions but instead uses a corpus of unlabeled parallel data, consisting of pairs of samples from the source domain of the well-trained model and the desired target domain. To perform adaptation, we employ teacher/student (T/S) learning, in which the posterior probabilities generated by the source-domain model can be used in lieu of labels to train the target-domain model. We evaluate the proposed approach in two scenarios, adapting a clean acoustic model to noisy speech and adapting an adults speech acoustic model to children speech. Significant improvements in accuracy are obtained, with reductions in word error rate of up to 44 for transcribed data in the target domain. Moreover, we show that increasing the amount of unlabeled data results in additional model robustness, which is particularly beneficial when using simulated training data in the target-domain.


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