LAVAPilot: Lightweight UAV Trajectory Planner with Situational Awareness for Embedded Autonomy to Track and Locate Radio-tags

by   Hoa Van Nguyen, et al.

Tracking and locating radio-tagged wildlife is a labor-intensive and time-consuming task necessary in wildlife conservation. In this article, we focus on the problem of achieving embedded autonomy for a resource-limited aerial robot for the task capable of avoiding undesirable disturbances to wildlife. We employ a lightweight sensor system capable of simultaneous (noisy) measurements of radio signal strength information from multiple tags for estimating object locations. We formulate a new lightweight task-based trajectory planning method-LAVAPilot-with a greedy evaluation strategy and a void functional formulation to achieve situational awareness to maintain a safe distance from objects of interest. Conceptually, we embed our intuition of moving closer to reduce the uncertainty of measurements into LAVAPilot instead of employing a computationally intensive information gain based planning strategy. We employ LAVAPilot and the sensor to build a lightweight aerial robot platform with fully embedded autonomy for jointly tracking and planning to track and locate multiple VHF radio collar tags used by conservation biologists. Using extensive Monte Carlo simulation-based experiments, implementations on a single board compute module, and field experiments using an aerial robot platform with multiple VHF radio collar tags, we evaluate our joint planning and tracking algorithms. Further, we compare our method with other information-based planning methods with and without situational awareness to demonstrate the effectiveness of our robot executing LAVAPilot. Our experiments demonstrate that LAVAPilot significantly reduces (by 98.5 computational cost of planning to enable real-time planning decisions whilst achieving similar localization accuracy of objects compared to information gain based planning methods, albeit taking a slightly longer time to complete a mission.


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