Learnability with PAC Semantics for Multi-agent Beliefs

by   Ionela G. Mocanu, et al.

The tension between deduction and induction is perhaps the most fundamental issue in areas such as philosophy, cognition and artificial intelligence. In an influential paper, Valiant recognised that the challenge of learning should be integrated with deduction. In particular, he proposed a semantics to capture the quality possessed by the output of Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) learning algorithms when formulated in a logic. Although weaker than classical entailment, it allows for a powerful model-theoretic framework for answering queries. In this paper, we provide a new technical foundation to demonstrate PAC learning with multi-agent epistemic logics. To circumvent the negative results in the literature on the difficulty of robust learning with the PAC semantics, we consider so-called implicit learning where we are able to incorporate observations to the background theory in service of deciding the entailment of an epistemic query. We prove correctness of the learning procedure and discuss results on the sample complexity, that is how many observations we will need to provably assert that the query is entailed given a user-specified error bound. Finally, we investigate under what circumstances this algorithm can be made efficient. On the last point, given that reasoning in epistemic logics especially in multi-agent epistemic logics is PSPACE-complete, it might seem like there is no hope for this problem. We leverage some recent results on the so-called Representation Theorem explored for single-agent and multi-agent epistemic logics with the only knowing operator to reduce modal reasoning to propositional reasoning.


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