Learning Implicit Generative Models by Teaching Explicit Ones

by   Chao Du, et al.

Implicit generative models are difficult to train as no explicit probability density functions are defined. The well-known minimax framework proposed by generative adversarial nets (GANs) is equivalent to minimizing the Jensen-Shannon divergence and suffers from mode collapse in practice. In this paper, we propose learning by teaching (LBT) framework to train implicit generative models via incorporating an auxiliary explicit model. In LBT, an explicit model is introduced to learn the distribution defined by the implicit model and the later one's goal is to teach the explicit model to cover the training data. Formally, our method is formulated as a bilevel optimization problem, whose optimum implies that we obatin the MLE of the implicit model. We also adopt the unrolling trick to make the optimization problem differentiable with respect to the implicit model's parameters. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.


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