Lucene for Approximate Nearest-Neighbors Search on Arbitrary Dense Vectors

by   Tommaso Teofili, et al.

We demonstrate three approaches for adapting the open-source Lucene search library to perform approximate nearest-neighbor search on arbitrary dense vectors, using similarity search on word embeddings as a case study. At its core, Lucene is built around inverted indexes of a document collection's (sparse) term-document matrix, which is incompatible with the lower-dimensional dense vectors that are common in deep learning applications. We evaluate three techniques to overcome these challenges that can all be natively integrated into Lucene: the creation of documents populated with fake words, LSH applied to lexical realizations of dense vectors, and k-d trees coupled with dimensionality reduction. Experiments show that the "fake words" approach represents the best balance between effectiveness and efficiency. These techniques are integrated into the Anserini open-source toolkit and made available to the community.


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