LUMix: Improving Mixup by Better Modelling Label Uncertainty

by   Shuyang Sun, et al.

Modern deep networks can be better generalized when trained with noisy samples and regularization techniques. Mixup and CutMix have been proven to be effective for data augmentation to help avoid overfitting. Previous Mixup-based methods linearly combine images and labels to generate additional training data. However, this is problematic if the object does not occupy the whole image as we demonstrate in Figure 1. Correctly assigning the label weights is hard even for human beings and there is no clear criterion to measure it. To tackle this problem, in this paper, we propose LUMix, which models such uncertainty by adding label perturbation during training. LUMix is simple as it can be implemented in just a few lines of code and can be universally applied to any deep networks \eg CNNs and Vision Transformers, with minimal computational cost. Extensive experiments show that our LUMix can consistently boost the performance for networks with a wide range of diversity and capacity on ImageNet, \eg $+0.7\%$ for a small model DeiT-S and $+0.6\%$ for a large variant XCiT-L. We also demonstrate that LUMix can lead to better robustness when evaluated on ImageNet-O and ImageNet-A. The source code can be found \href{}{here}


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