MadMiner: Machine learning-based inference for particle physics

by   Johann Brehmer, et al.

The legacy measurements of the LHC will require analyzing high-dimensional event data for subtle kinematic signatures, which is challenging for established analysis methods. Recently, a powerful family of multivariate inference techniques that leverage both matrix element information and machine learning has been developed. This approach neither requires the reduction of high-dimensional data to summary statistics nor any simplifications to the underlying physics or detector response. In this paper we introduce MadMiner, a Python module that streamlines the steps involved in this procedure. Wrapping around MadGraph5_aMC and Pythia 8, it supports almost any physics process and model. To aid phenomenological studies, the tool also wraps around Delphes 3, though it is extendable to a full Geant4-based detector simulation. We demonstrate the use of MadMiner in an example analysis of dimension-six operators in ttH production, finding that the new techniques substantially increase the sensitivity to new physics.


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