Masked Conditional Neural Networks for Environmental Sound Classification
The ConditionaL Neural Network (CLNN) exploits the nature of the temporal sequencing of the sound signal represented in a spectrogram, and its variant the Masked ConditionaL Neural Network (MCLNN) induces the network to learn in frequency bands by embedding a filterbank-like sparseness over the network's links using a binary mask. Additionally, the masking automates the exploration of different feature combinations concurrently analogous to handcrafting the optimum combination of features for a recognition task. We have evaluated the MCLNN performance using the Urbansound8k dataset of environmental sounds. Additionally, we present a collection of manually recorded sounds for rail and road traffic, YorNoise, to investigate the confusion rates among machine generated sounds possessing low-frequency components. MCLNN has achieved competitive results without augmentation and using 12 parameters utilized by an equivalent model based on state-of-the-art Convolutional Neural Networks on the Urbansound8k. We extended the Urbansound8k dataset with YorNoise, where experiments have shown that common tonal properties affect the classification performance.