Model Checking Algorithms for Hyperproperties

by   Bernd Finkbeiner, et al.

Hyperproperties generalize trace properties by expressing relations between multiple computations. Hyperpropertes include policies from information-flow security, like observational determinism or non-interference, and many other system properties including promptness and knowledge. In this paper, we give an overview on the model checking problem for temporal hyperlogics. Our starting point is the model checking algorithm for HyperLTL, a reduction to Büchi automata emptiness. This basic construction can be extended with propositional quantification, resulting in an algorithm for HyperQPTL. It can also be extended with branching time, resulting in an algorithm for HyperCTL*. However, it is not possible to have both extensions at the same time: the model checking problem of HyperQCTL* is undecidable. An attractive compromise is offered by MPL[E], i.e., monadic path logic extended with the equal-level predicate. The expressiveness of MPL[E] falls strictly between that of HyperCTL* and HyperQCTL*. MPL[E] subsumes both HyperCTL* and HyperKCTL*, the extension of HyperCTL* with the knowledge operator. We show that the model checking problem for MPL[E] is still decidable.


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