Modelling Multi-Agent Epistemic Planning in ASP

by   Alessandro Burigana, et al.

Designing agents that reason and act upon the world has always been one of the main objectives of the Artificial Intelligence community. While for planning in "simple" domains the agents can solely rely on facts about the world, in several contexts, e.g., economy, security, justice and politics, the mere knowledge of the world could be insufficient to reach a desired goal. In these scenarios, epistemic reasoning, i.e., reasoning about agents' beliefs about themselves and about other agents' beliefs, is essential to design winning strategies. This paper addresses the problem of reasoning in multi-agent epistemic settings exploiting declarative programming techniques. In particular, the paper presents an actual implementation of a multi-shot Answer Set Programming-based planner that can reason in multi-agent epistemic settings, called PLATO (ePistemic muLti-agent Answer seT programming sOlver). The ASP paradigm enables a concise and elegant design of the planner, w.r.t. other imperative implementations, facilitating the development of formal verification of correctness. The paper shows how the planner, exploiting an ad-hoc epistemic state representation and the efficiency of ASP solvers, has competitive performance results on benchmarks collected from the literature. It is under consideration for acceptance in TPLP.


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