MRVM-NeRF: Mask-Based Pretraining for Neural Radiance Fields

by   Ganlin Yang, et al.

Most Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) have poor generalization ability, limiting their application when representing multiple scenes by a single model. To ameliorate this problem, existing methods simply condition NeRF models on image features, lacking the global understanding and modeling of the entire 3D scene. Inspired by the significant success of mask-based modeling in other research fields, we propose a masked ray and view modeling method for generalizable NeRF (MRVM-NeRF), the first attempt to incorporate mask-based pretraining into 3D implicit representations. Specifically, considering that the core of NeRFs lies in modeling 3D representations along the rays and across the views, we randomly mask a proportion of sampled points along the ray at fine stage by discarding partial information obtained from multi-viewpoints, targeting at predicting the corresponding features produced in the coarse branch. In this way, the learned prior knowledge of 3D scenes during pretraining helps the model generalize better to novel scenarios after finetuning. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our proposed MRVM-NeRF under various synthetic and real-world settings, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Our empirical studies reveal the effectiveness of our proposed innovative MRVM which is specifically designed for NeRF models.


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