Multi-Ontology Refined Embeddings (MORE): A Hybrid Multi-Ontology and Corpus-based Semantic Representation for Biomedical Concepts

by   Steven Jiang, et al.

Objective: Currently, a major limitation for natural language processing (NLP) analyses in clinical applications is that a concept can be referenced in various forms across different texts. This paper introduces Multi-Ontology Refined Embeddings (MORE), a novel hybrid framework for incorporating domain knowledge from multiple ontologies into a distributional semantic model, learned from a corpus of clinical text. Materials and Methods: We use the RadCore and MIMIC-III free-text datasets for the corpus-based component of MORE. For the ontology-based part, we use the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) ontology and three state-of-the-art ontology-based similarity measures. In our approach, we propose a new learning objective, modified from the Sigmoid cross-entropy objective function. Results and Discussion: We evaluate the quality of the generated word embeddings using two established datasets of semantic similarities among biomedical concept pairs. On the first dataset with 29 concept pairs, with the similarity scores established by physicians and medical coders, MORE's similarity scores have the highest combined correlation (0.633), which is 5.0 higher than that of the baseline model and 12.4 ontology-based similarity measure.On the second dataset with 449 concept pairs, MORE's similarity scores have a correlation of 0.481, with the average of four medical residents' similarity ratings, and that outperforms the skip-gram model by 8.1


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