Multiple Node Immunisation for Preventing Epidemics on Networks by Exact Multiobjective Optimisation of Cost and Shield-Value

by   Michael Emmerich, et al.

The general problem in this paper is vertex (node) subset selection with the goal to contain an infection that spreads in a network. Instead of selecting the single most important node, this paper deals with the problem of selecting multiple nodes for removal. As compared to previous work on multiple-node selection, the trade-off between cost and benefit is considered. The benefit is measured in terms of increasing the epidemic threshold which is a measure of how difficult it is for an infection to spread in a network. The cost is measured in terms of the number and size of nodes to be removed or controlled. Already in its single-objective instance with a fixed number of k nodes to be removed, the multiple vertex immunisation problems have been proven to be NP-hard. Several heuristics have been developed to approximate the problem. In this work, we compare meta-heuristic techniques with exact methods on the Shield-value, which is a sub-modular proxy for the maximal eigenvalue and used in the current state-of-the-art greedy node-removal strategies. We generalise it to the multi-objective case and replace the greedy algorithm by a quadratic program (QP), which then can be solved with exact QP solvers. The main contribution of this paper is the insight that, if time permits, exact and problem-specific methods approximation should be used, which are often far better than Pareto front approximations obtained by general meta-heuristics. Based on these, it will be more effective to develop strategies for controlling real-world networks when the goal is to prevent or contain epidemic outbreaks. This paper is supported by ready to use Python implementation of the optimization methods and datasets.


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