Naughton's Wisconsin Bibliography: A Brief Guide

by   Joseph M. Hellerstein, et al.

Over nearly three decades at the University of Wisconsin, Jeff Naughton has left an indelible mark on computer science. He has been a global leader of the database research field, deepening its core and pushing its boundaries. Many of Naughton's ideas were translated directly into practice in commercial and open-source systems. But software comes and goes. In the end, it is the ideas themselves that have had impact, ideas written down in papers. Naughton has been a prolific scholar over the last thirty years, with over 175 publications in his bibliography, covering a wide range of topics. This document does not attempt to enumerate or even summarize the wealth of ideas that Naughton has published over the course of his academic career–the task is too daunting. Instead, the best this short note aims to do is to serve as a rough map of the territory: something to help other researchers navigate the wide spaces of Naughton's work.


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