Neural Network based Deep Transfer Learning for Cross-domain Dependency Parsing

by   Zhentao Xia, et al.

In this paper, we describe the details of the neural dependency parser sub-mitted by our team to the NLPCC 2019 Shared Task of Semi-supervised do-main adaptation subtask on Cross-domain Dependency Parsing. Our system is based on the stack-pointer networks(STACKPTR). Considering the im-portance of context, we utilize self-attention mechanism for the representa-tion vectors to capture the meaning of words. In addition, to adapt three dif-ferent domains, we utilize neural network based deep transfer learning which transfers the pre-trained partial network in the source domain to be a part of deep neural network in the three target domains (product comments, product blogs and web fiction) respectively. Results on the three target domains demonstrate that our model performs competitively.


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