On the differential spectrum of a class of APN power functions over odd characteristic finite fields and their c-differential properties

by   Haode Yan, et al.

Only three classes of Almost Perfect Nonlinear (for short, APN) power functions over odd characteristic finite fields have been investigated in the literature, and their differential spectra were determined. The differential uniformity of the power function F(x)=x^p^n-3/2 over the finite field F_p^n of order p^n (where p is an odd prime), was studied by Helleseth and Sandberg in 1997, where p^n≡34 is an odd prime power with p^n>7. It was shown that F is PN when p^n=27, APN when 5 is a nonsquare in F_p^n, and differentially 3-uniform when 5 is a square in F_p^n. In this paper, by investigating some equation systems and certain character sums over F_p^n, the differential spectrum of F is completely determined. We focusing on the power functions x^d with even d over F_p^n (p odd), the power functions F we consider are APN which are of the lowest differential uniformity and the nontrivial differential spectrum. Moreover, we examine the extension of the so-called c-differential uniformity by investigating the c-differential properties of F. Specifically, an upper bound of the c-differential uniformity of F is given, and its c-differential spectrum is considered in the case where c=-1. Finally, we emphasize that, throughout our study of the differential spectrum of the considered power functions, we provide methods for evaluating sums of specific characters with connections to elliptic curves and for determining the number of solutions of specific systems of equations over finite fields.


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