On The Effect of Vibration on Shape Sensing of Continuum Manipulators Using Fiber Bragg Gratings

by   Shahriar Sefati, et al.

Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) has shown great potential in shape and force sensing of continuum manipulators (CM) and biopsy needles. In the recent years, many researchers have studied different manufacturing and modeling techniques of FBG-based force and shape sensors for medical applications. These studies mainly focus on obtaining shape and force information in a static (or quasi-static) environment. In this paper, however, we study and evaluate dynamic environments where the FBG data is affected by vibration caused by a harmonic force e.g. a rotational debriding tool harmonically exciting the CM and the FBG-based shape sensor. In such situations, appropriate pre-processing of the FBG signal is necessary in order to infer correct information from the raw signal. We look at an example of such dynamic environments in the less invasive treatment of osteolysis by studying the FBG data both in time- and frequency-domain in presence of vibration due to a debriding tool rotating inside the lumen of the CM.


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