Online Article Ranking as a Constrained, Dynamic, Multi-Objective Optimization Problem

The content ranking problem in a social news website, is typically a function that maximizes a scalar metric of interest like dwell-time. However, like in most real-world applications we are interested in more than one metric---for instance simultaneously maximizing click-through rate, monetization metrics, dwell-time---and also satisfy the traffic requirements promised to different publishers. All this needs to be done on online data and under the settings where the objective function and the constraints can dynamically change; this could happen if for instance new publishers are added, some contracts are adjusted, or if some contracts are over. In this paper, we formulate this problem as a constrained, dynamic, multi-objective optimization problem. We propose a novel framework that extends a successful genetic optimization algorithm, NSGA-II, to solve this online, data-driven problem. We design the modules of NSGA-II to suit our problem. We evaluate optimization performance using Hypervolume and introduce a confidence interval metric for assessing the practicality of a solution. We demonstrate the application of this framework on a real-world Article Ranking problem. We observe that we make considerable improvements in both time and performance over a brute-force baseline technique that is currently in production.


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