Online Deep Clustering with Video Track Consistency

by   Alessandra Alfani, et al.

Several unsupervised and self-supervised approaches have been developed in recent years to learn visual features from large-scale unlabeled datasets. Their main drawback however is that these methods are hardly able to recognize visual features of the same object if it is simply rotated or the perspective of the camera changes. To overcome this limitation and at the same time exploit a useful source of supervision, we take into account video object tracks. Following the intuition that two patches in a track should have similar visual representations in a learned feature space, we adopt an unsupervised clustering-based approach and constrain such representations to be labeled as the same category since they likely belong to the same object or object part. Experimental results on two downstream tasks on different datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our Online Deep Clustering with Video Track Consistency (ODCT) approach compared to prior work, which did not leverage temporal information. In addition we show that exploiting an unsupervised class-agnostic, yet noisy, track generator yields to better accuracy compared to relying on costly and precise track annotations.


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