Online interval scheduling to maximize total satisfaction

by   Koji M. Kobayashi, et al.

The interval scheduling problem is one variant of the scheduling problem. In this paper, we propose a novel variant of the interval scheduling problem, whose definition is as follows: given jobs are specified by their release times, deadlines and profits. An algorithm must start a job at its release time on one of m identical machines, and continue processing until its deadline on the machine to complete the job. All the jobs must be completed and the algorithm can obtain the profit of a completed job as a user's satisfaction. It is possible to process more than one job at a time on one machine. The profit of a job is distributed uniformly between its release time and deadline, that is its interval, and the profit gained from a subinterval of a job decreases in reverse proportion to the number of jobs whose intervals intersect with the subinterval on the same machine. The objective of our variant is to maximize the total profit of completed jobs. This formulation is naturally motivated by best-effort requests and responses to them, which appear in many situations. In best-effort requests and responses, the total amount of available resources for users is always invariant and the resources are equally shared with every user. We study online algorithms for this problem. Specifically, we show that for the case where the profits of jobs are arbitrary, there does not exist an algorithm whose competitive ratio is bounded. Then, we consider the case in which the profit of each job is equal to its length, that is, the time interval between its release time and deadline. For this case, we prove that for m = 2 and m ≥ 3, the competitive ratios of a greedy algorithm are at most 4/3 and at most 3, respectively. Also, for each m ≥ 2, we show a lower bound on the competitive ratio of any deterministic algorithm.


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