Online Ranking with Concept Drifts in Streaming Data
Two important problems in preference elicitation are rank aggregation and label ranking. Rank aggregation consists of finding a ranking that best summarizes a collection of preferences of some agents. The latter, label ranking, aims at learning a mapping between data instances and rankings defined over a finite set of categories or labels. This problem can effectively model many real application scenarios such as recommender systems. However, even when the preferences of populations usually change over time, related literature has so far addressed both problems over non-evolving preferences. This work deals with the problems of rank aggregation and label ranking over non-stationary data streams. In this context, there is a set of n items and m agents which provide their votes by casting a ranking of the n items. The rankings are noisy realizations of an unknown probability distribution that changes over time. Our goal is to learn, in an online manner, the current ground truth distribution of rankings. We begin by proposing an aggregation function called Forgetful Borda (FBorda) that, using a forgetting mechanism, gives more importance to recently observed preferences. We prove that FBorda is a consistent estimator of the Kemeny ranking and lower bound the number of samples needed to learn the distribution while guaranteeing a certain level of confidence. Then, we develop a k-nearest neighbor classifier based on the proposed FBorda aggregation algorithm for the label ranking problem and demonstrate its accuracy in several scenarios of label ranking problem over evolving preferences.