Ontology-aware Network for Zero-shot Sketch-based Image Retrieval

by   Haoxiang Zhang, et al.

Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval (ZSSBIR) is an emerging task. The pioneering work focused on the modal gap but ignored inter-class information. Although recent work has begun to consider the triplet-based or contrast-based loss to mine inter-class information, positive and negative samples need to be carefully selected, or the model is prone to lose modality-specific information. To respond to these issues, an Ontology-Aware Network (OAN) is proposed. Specifically, the smooth inter-class independence learning mechanism is put forward to maintain inter-class peculiarity. Meanwhile, distillation-based consistency preservation is utilized to keep modality-specific information. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the superior performance of our algorithm on two challenging Sketchy and Tu-Berlin datasets.


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