Open Source Handwritten Text Recognition on Medieval Manuscripts using Mixed Models and Document-Specific Finetuning

by   Christian Reul, et al.

This paper deals with the task of practical and open source Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) on German medieval manuscripts. We report on our efforts to construct mixed recognition models which can be applied out-of-the-box without any further document-specific training but also serve as a starting point for finetuning by training a new model on a few pages of transcribed text (ground truth). To train the mixed models we collected a corpus of 35 manuscripts and ca. 12.5k text lines for two widely used handwriting styles, Gothic and Bastarda cursives. Evaluating the mixed models out-of-the-box on four unseen manuscripts resulted in an average Character Error Rate (CER) of 6.22 training on 2, 4 and eventually 32 pages the CER dropped to 3.27 1.65 (Bastarda model to Bastarda material, Gothic to Gothic) unsurprisingly yielded the best results, finetuning out-of-domain models to unseen scripts was still shown to be superior to training from scratch. Our new mixed models have been made openly available to the community.


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