Orientation Aware Weapons Detection In Visual Data : A Benchmark Dataset
Automatic detection of weapons is significant for improving security and well being of individuals, nonetheless, it is a difficult task due to large variety of size, shape and appearance of weapons. View point variations and occlusion also are reasons which makes this task more difficult. Further, the current object detection algorithms process rectangular areas, however a slender and long rifle may really cover just a little portion of area and the rest may contain unessential details. To overcome these problem, we propose a CNN architecture for Orientation Aware Weapons Detection, which provides oriented bounding box with improved weapons detection performance. The proposed model provides orientation not only using angle as classification problem by dividing angle into eight classes but also angle as regression problem. For training our model for weapon detection a new dataset comprising of total 6400 weapons images is gathered from the web and then manually annotated with position oriented bounding boxes. Our dataset provides not only oriented bounding box as ground truth but also horizontal bounding box. We also provide our dataset in multiple formats of modern object detectors for further research in this area. The proposed model is evaluated on this dataset, and the comparative analysis with off-the shelf object detectors yields superior performance of proposed model, measured with standard evaluation strategies. The dataset and the model implementation are made publicly available at this link: https://bit.ly/2TyZICF.