Outage Probability and Capacity Scaling Law of Multiple RIS-Aided Cooperative Networks
In this letter, we consider a dual-hop cooperative network assisted by multiple reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs). Assuming that the RIS with the highest instantaneous end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is selected to aid the communication, the outage probability (OP) and average sum-rate are investigated. Specifically, an exact analysis for the OP is developed. In addition, relying on the extreme value theory, closed-form expressions for the asymptotic OP and asymptotic sum-rate are derived, based on which the capacity scaling law is established. Our results are corroborated through simulations and insightful discussions are provided. In particular, our analysis shows that the number of RISs as well as the number of reflecting elements play a crucial role in the capacity scaling law of multiple RIS-aided cooperative networks. Also, comparisons with relay-aided systems are carried out to demonstrate that the proposed system setup outperforms relaying schemes both in terms of the OP and average sum-rate.