Personalization Trade-offs in Designing a Dialogue-based Information System for Support-Seeking of Sexual Violence Survivors
The lack of reliable, personalized information often complicates sexual violence survivors' support-seeking. Recently, there is an emerging approach to conversational information systems for support-seeking of sexual violence survivors, featuring personalization with wide availability and anonymity. However, a single best solution might not exist as sexual violence survivors have different needs and purposes in seeking support channels. To better envision conversational support-seeking systems for sexual violence survivors, we explore personalization trade-offs in designing such information systems. We implement a high-fidelity prototype dialogue-based information system through four design workshop sessions with three professional caregivers and interviewed with four self-identified survivors using our prototype. We then identify two forms of personalization trade-offs for conversational support-seeking systems: (1) specificity and sensitivity in understanding users and (2) relevancy and inclusiveness in providing information. To handle these trade-offs, we propose a reversed approach that starts from designing information and inclusive tailoring that considers unspecified needs, respectively.