Proceedings 10th International Workshop on Theorem Proving Components for Educational Software
This EPTCS volume contains the proceedings of the ThEdu'21 workshop, promoted on 11 July 2021, as a satellite event of CADE-28. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CADE-28 and all its co-located events happened as virtual events. ThEdu'21 was a vibrant workshop, with an invited talk by Gilles Dowek (ENS Paris-Saclay), eleven contributions, and one demonstration. After the workshop an open call for papers was issued and attracted 10 submissions, 7 of which have been accepted by the reviewers, and collected in the present post-proceedings volume. The ThEdu series pursues the smooth transition from an intuitive way of doing mathematics at secondary school to a more formal approach to the subject in STEM education, while favouring software support for this transition by exploiting the power of theorem-proving technologies. The volume editors hope that this collection of papers will further promote the development of theorem-proving based software, and that it will collaborate on improving mutual understanding between computer scientists, mathematicians and stakeholders in education.