Progressive End-to-End Object Detection in Crowded Scenes

by   Anlin Zheng, et al.

In this paper, we propose a new query-based detection framework for crowd detection. Previous query-based detectors suffer from two drawbacks: first, multiple predictions will be inferred for a single object, typically in crowded scenes; second, the performance saturates as the depth of the decoding stage increases. Benefiting from the nature of the one-to-one label assignment rule, we propose a progressive predicting method to address the above issues. Specifically, we first select accepted queries prone to generate true positive predictions, then refine the rest noisy queries according to the previously accepted predictions. Experiments show that our method can significantly boost the performance of query-based detectors in crowded scenes. Equipped with our approach, Sparse RCNN achieves 92.0% AP, 41.4% MR^-2 and 83.2% JI on the challenging CrowdHuman <cit.> dataset, outperforming the box-based method MIP <cit.> that specifies in handling crowded scenarios. Moreover, the proposed method, robust to crowdedness, can still obtain consistent improvements on moderately and slightly crowded datasets like CityPersons <cit.> and COCO <cit.>. Code will be made publicly available at


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