PTAS for Steiner Tree on Map Graphs

by   Jaroslaw Byrka, et al.

We study the Steiner tree problem on map graphs, which substantially generalize planar graphs as they allow arbitrarily large cliques. We obtain a PTAS for Steiner tree on map graphs, which builds on the result for planar edge weighted instances of Borradaile et al. The Steiner tree problem on map graphs can be casted as a special case of the planar node-weighted Steiner tree problem, for which only a 2.4-approximation is known. We prove and use a contraction decomposition theorem for planar node weighted instances. This readily reduces the problem of finding a PTAS for planar node-weighted Steiner tree to finding a spanner, i.e., a constant-factor approximation containing a nearly optimum solution. Finally, we pin-point places where known techniques for constructing such spanner fail on node weighted instances and further progress requires new ideas.


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