Publicly verifiable delegative democracy with secret voting power

by   Dimitrios Karoukis, et al.

We use a commitment scheme to track every individual's voting power on a public ledger with the ability to validate transfers and transitive, reversible delegations of it between them without sacrificing their privacy. Every unit of voting power is represented by the Merkle root of a tree consisting of its latest owner's public key, a random nonce and the Merkle root of the tree of its previous owner's public key and random nonce and so on. Transfers and delegations mention the input units, their owner's public keys, the hashes of their nonces and the output units, which are the Merkle roots of the new owners' public keys, new random nonces and the previous units' identifiers. In case of a delegation, the receiver provides the sender with the hashed random nonces and the hashed public keys whose secret keys they control. In case of a transfer, only the hashes of these hashes' concatenations are provided. To reverse a delegation, a historical owner reveals the individual hashes that resulted the subsequent units. In voting, the owner reveals the actual nonces and public keys of the units.


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