Quantile-Quantile Embedding for Distribution Transformation, Manifold Embedding, and Image Embedding with Choice of Embedding Distribution
We propose a new embedding method, named Quantile-Quantile Embedding (QQE), for distribution transformation, manifold embedding, and image embedding with the ability to choose the embedding distribution. QQE, which uses the concept of quantile-quantile plot from visual statistical tests, can transform the distribution of data to any theoretical desired distribution or empirical reference sample. Moreover, QQE gives the user a choice of embedding distribution in embedding manifold of data into the low dimensional embedding space. It can also be used for modifying the embedding distribution of different dimensionality reduction methods, either basic or deep ones, for better representation or visualization of data. We propose QQE in both unsupervised and supervised manners. QQE can also transform the distribution to either the exact reference distribution or shape of the reference distribution; and one of its many applications is better discrimination of classes. Our experiments on different synthetic and image datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed embedding method.