Query Complexity of the Metric Steiner Tree Problem

by   Yu Chen, et al.

We study the query complexity of the metric Steiner Tree problem, where we are given an n × n metric on a set V of vertices along with a set T ⊆ V of k terminals, and the goal is to find a tree of minimum cost that contains all terminals in T. The query complexity for the related minimum spanning tree (MST) problem is well-understood: for any fixed ε > 0, one can estimate the MST cost to within a (1+ε)-factor using only Õ(n) queries, and this is known to be tight. This implies that a (2 + ε)-approximate estimate of Steiner Tree cost can be obtained with Õ(k) queries by simply applying the MST cost estimation algorithm on the metric induced by the terminals. Our first result shows that any (randomized) algorithm that estimates the Steiner Tree cost to within a (5/3 - ε)-factor requires Ω(n^2) queries, even if k is a constant. This lower bound is in sharp contrast to an upper bound of O(nk) queries for computing a (5/3)-approximate Steiner Tree, which follows from previous work by Du and Zelikovsky. Our second main result, and the main technical contribution of this work, is a sublinear query algorithm for estimating the Steiner Tree cost to within a strictly better-than-2 factor, with query complexity Õ(n^12/7 + n^6/7· k)=Õ(n^13/7)=o(n^2). We complement this result by showing an Ω̃(n + k^6/5) query lower bound for any algorithm that estimates Steiner Tree cost to a strictly better than 2 factor. Thus Ω̃(n^6/5) queries are needed to just beat 2-approximation when k = Ω(n); a sharp contrast to MST cost estimation where a (1+o(1))-approximate estimate of cost is achievable with only Õ(n) queries.


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