Real-time Emotion and Gender Classification using Ensemble CNN

by   Abhinav Lahariya, et al.

Analysing expressions on the person's face plays a very vital role in identifying emotions and behavior of a person. Recognizing these expressions automatically results in a crucial component of natural human-machine interfaces. Therefore research in this field has a wide range of applications in bio-metric authentication, surveillance systems , emotion to emoticons in various social media platforms. Another application includes conducting customer satisfaction surveys. As we know that the large corporations made huge investments to get feedback and do surveys but fail to get equitable responses. Emotion Gender recognition through facial gestures is a technology that aims to improve product and services performance by monitoring customer behavior to specific products or service staff by their evaluation. In the past few years there have been a wide variety of advances performed in terms of feature extraction mechanisms , detection of face and also expression classification techniques. This paper is the implementation of an Ensemble CNN for building a real-time system that can detect emotion and gender of the person. The experimental results shows accuracy of 68 classes (angry, fear , sad , happy , surprise , neutral , disgust) on FER-2013 dataset and 95 work can predict emotion and gender on single face images as well as multiple face images. Also when input is given through webcam our complete pipeline of this real-time system can take less than 0.5 seconds to generate results.


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