Real-time Remote Reconstruction of a Markov Source and Actuation over Wireless

by   Mehrdad Salimnejad, et al.

In this work, we study the problem of real-time tracking and reconstruction of an information source with the purpose of actuation. A device monitors an N-state Markov process and transmits status updates to a receiver over a wireless erasure channel. We consider a set of joint sampling and transmission policies, including a semantics-aware one, and we study their performance with respect to relevant metrics. Specifically, we investigate the real-time reconstruction error and its variance, the consecutive error, the cost of memory error, and the cost of actuation error. Furthermore, we propose a randomized stationary sampling and transmission policy and derive closed-form expressions for all aforementioned metrics. We then formulate an optimization problem for minimizing the real-time reconstruction error subject to a sampling cost constraint. Our results show that in the scenario of constrained sampling generation, the optimal randomized stationary policy outperforms all other sampling policies when the source is rapidly evolving. Otherwise, the semantics-aware policy performs the best.


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