Reciprocal-log approximation and planar PDE solvers

by   Yuji Nakatsukasa, et al.

This article is about both approximation theory and the numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs). First we introduce the notion of reciprocal-log or log-lightning approximation of analytic functions with branch point singularities at points {z_k} by functions of the form g(z) = ∑_k c_k /(log(z-z_k) - s_k), which have N poles potentially distributed along a Riemann surface. We prove that the errors of best reciprocal-log approximations decrease exponentially with respect to N and that exponential or near-exponential convergence (i.e., at a rate O((-C N / log N))) also holds for near-best approximations with preassigned singularities constructed by linear least-squares fitting on the boundary. We then apply these results to derive a "log-lightning method" for numerical solution of Laplace and related PDEs in two-dimensional domains with corner singularities. The convergence is near-exponential, in contrast to the root-exponential convergence for the original lightning methods based on rational functions.


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