ReFace: Improving Clothes-Changing Re-Identification With Face Features

by   Daniel Arkushin, et al.

Person re-identification (ReID) has been an active research field for many years. Despite that, models addressing this problem tend to perform poorly when the task is to re-identify the same people over a prolonged time, due to appearance changes such as different clothes and hairstyles. In this work, we introduce a new method that takes full advantage of the ability of existing ReID models to extract appearance-related features and combines it with a face feature extraction model to achieve new state-of-the-art results, both on image-based and video-based benchmarks. Moreover, we show how our method could be used for an application in which multiple people of interest, under clothes-changing settings, should be re-identified given an unseen video and a limited amount of labeled data. We claim that current ReID benchmarks do not represent such real-world scenarios, and publish a new dataset, 42Street, based on a theater play as an example of such an application. We show that our proposed method outperforms existing models also on this dataset while using only pre-trained modules and without any further training.


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