Reinforced stochastic gradient descent for deep neural network learning

by   Haiping Huang, et al.

Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is a standard optimization method to minimize a training error with respect to network parameters in modern neural network learning. However, it typically suffers from proliferation of saddle points in the high-dimensional parameter space. Therefore, it is highly desirable to design an efficient algorithm to escape from these saddle points and reach a parameter region of better generalization capabilities. Here, we propose a simple extension of SGD, namely reinforced SGD, which simply adds previous first-order gradients in a stochastic manner with a probability that increases with learning time. As verified in a simple synthetic dataset, this method significantly accelerates learning compared with the original SGD. Surprisingly, it dramatically reduces over-fitting effects, even compared with state-of-the-art adaptive learning algorithm---Adam. For a benchmark handwritten digits dataset, the learning performance is comparable to Adam, yet with an extra advantage of requiring one-fold less computer memory. The reinforced SGD is also compared with SGD with fixed or adaptive momentum parameter and Nesterov's momentum, which shows that the proposed framework is able to reach a similar generalization accuracy with less computational costs. Overall, our method introduces stochastic memory into gradients, which plays an important role in understanding how gradient-based training algorithms can work and its relationship with generalization abilities of deep networks.


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