Robotic Dough Shaping
We address the problem of shaping a piece of dough-like deformable material into a 2D target shape presented upfront. We use a 6 degree-of-freedom WidowX-250 Robot Arm equipped with a rolling pin and information collected from an RGB-D camera and a tactile sensor. We present and compare several control policies, including a dough shrinking action, in extensive experiments across three kinds of deformable materials and across three target dough shape sizes, achieving the intersection over union (IoU) of 0.90. Our results show that: i) rolling dough from the highest dough point is more efficient than from the 2D/3D dough centroid; ii) it might be better to stop the roll movement at the current dough boundary as opposed to the target shape outline; iii) the shrink action might be beneficial only if properly tuned with respect to the exapand action; and iv) the Play-Doh material is easier to shape to a target shape as compared to Plasticine or Kinetic sand. Video demonstrations of our work are available at