Scan2Part: Fine-grained and Hierarchical Part-level Understanding of Real-World 3D Scans
We propose Scan2Part, a method to segment individual parts of objects in real-world, noisy indoor RGB-D scans. To this end, we vary the part hierarchies of objects in indoor scenes and explore their effect on scene understanding models. Specifically, we use a sparse U-Net-based architecture that captures the fine-scale detail of the underlying 3D scan geometry by leveraging a multi-scale feature hierarchy. In order to train our method, we introduce the Scan2Part dataset, which is the first large-scale collection providing detailed semantic labels at the part level in the real-world setting. In total, we provide 242,081 correspondences between 53,618 PartNet parts of 2,477 ShapeNet objects and 1,506 ScanNet scenes, at two spatial resolutions of 2 cm^3 and 5 cm^3. As output, we are able to predict fine-grained per-object part labels, even when the geometry is coarse or partially missing.