Sea-ice dynamics on triangular grids
We present a stable discretization of sea-ice dynamics on triangular grids that can straightforwardly be coupled to an ocean model on a triangular grid with Arakawa C-type staggering. The approach is based on a nonconforming finite element framework, namely the Crouzeix-Raviart finite element. As the discretization of the viscous-plastic and elastic-viscous-plastic stress tensor with the Crouzeix-Raviart finite element produces oscillations in the velocity field, we introduce an edge-based stabilization. Based on an energy estimate for the viscous-plastic sea-ice model we define an energy for the elastic-viscous-plastic and viscous-plastic sea-ice model. In a numerical analysis we show that the stabilization is fundamental to achieve stable approximations of the sea-ice velocity field and a bounded energy of the sea-ice system.